My first blog

23 Oct 2024 - brainage04

This is my very first blog!

I'll use this to talk about anything software related that's too long for Twitter to handle.

I'm almost done with university for the year now - I have 1 assignment due this week, 2 due next week, and 1 exam the week after that. Then I'm all done!

Once I'm finished with university form the year, I have a list of things I want to do:

  1. Continue work on personal projects (BrainageHUD, SkyBrain/SkyBrainDB, post on SkyBrain/SkyBrainDB coming soon?)
  2. Work more hours at my current part time job to save more money (~25 hours/week)
  3. Upskill for CS jobs (DSA, Java 7/8, Spring)
  4. Apply for part-time work in the CS industry (junior dev positions working with Java 8/17/21 is my best bet)

I also have a few extra, non-work related goals:

Thanks for taking the time to read my first blog!